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Newborn Elijah James

I was super excited when I learned that we would be having Dan’s nephew in the home studio for a newborn lifestyle photo session! First off, babies are beautiful! Every. Single. One. I admittedly get a little bit of baby fever every time I hold one! (Shhhh)! Second, photographing this most monumental of moments is such an honor. I get to be in on capturing the wonderment of a dreaming baby; with their peaceful yawns and sleepy smiles, I swoon every time! Photography gives parents something they can look back on and visually connect to the feelings of incredible and overwhelming joy of being responsible for this new beginning. Added bonus: mom gets to be in the picture – no selfie sticks or rushing against self timers necessary!

I also had this idea for a newborn photo prop I’d been wanting to build. It was pretty elaborate and would definitely be too heavy to carry to off site locations. I figured that getting Dan to build the prop was going to be a challenge (lots of time, lots of $$), but with the session being for his nephew, I mean, um, well, he had to do it! Right? It was the perfect opportunity to get a move on it! 

On May 30th Mia Sara and the Corona family welcomed Elijah James into the world. Elijah suffered from a broken collarbone during delivery, making his first days a bit challenging. Luckily, Elijah healed quickly, and we were surprised with how alert he was when he came in for his newborn session only 10 days later. With all that black hair and those big brown eyes, he was just as cute as I expected him to be! Just a little baby Corona!

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